Thursday, January 16, 2014

Some customization ideas...since I have to do some repairs as it is...

So I was thinking that after I get the maintenance all squared away that I could start making some changes to the duck, and one of them is going to be replacing a slightly dented fender, which got dented when someone in the employ of the previous owner hit something and caved in the front bumper a little bit.  The other is replacing the front bumper, but I was thinking about doing something a little different that you don't see a whole lot these days, a shaved bumper.

So, what is a shaved bumper?

Shaving a bumper is the process of making it look like it is one solid piece of steel. There are bumper covers that are made out of fiberglass that frankly try to make this happen, but as it is they are plastic, and plastic does not look right on a truck.  What you would do is weld the mounting bolts to the bumper from the backside, then grind the heads off of the bolts from the face of the bumper, fill in the holes for the license plate (not a big deal since we are not required to run a front plate here), prime paint install enjoy.

I have also been toying with the idea of installing a set of actual driving lights in the truck.  Not those cheap LED lights found at walmart, but actual white light, driving light, lights as they are supposed to be.

Pictures will be found here when this is done.

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