Saturday, January 25, 2014

Toolboxes anew and the progress so far.

First off, the shopping list for the duck is about halfway done, with fluids and a couple more filters still needing to be purchased.  Now I just need a warm day or a warm garage to get all this going.  I still have time, I just want this done and out of the way.

Speaking of getting things out of the way, I have spent almost a year trying to get a new toolbox.  The biggest problems with getting one have been about the time I have the money together, something else needs attention or the one I ultimately purchased was not in stock.

If you have ever seriously looked for a decent box, you will find that many of the higher end boxes have higher end prices.  Snap on boxes, for example, run into the thousands of dollars.  Mac is kind of expensive as well, and while Kobalt is nice, stainless steel is just not something I want to mess with trying to keep it bright and shiny.

I had specific things I was looking for, such as 100 pound drawer capacity, 41 inches wide, not some god awful color (like hot neon pink) and not so expensive as to rival the combined national debt of the European Union.  I ultimately decided on a Kodiak Pro Elite 41 inch tool chest which I bought through Home Depot.

First, their website says it will take up to two weeks plus processing time to get it shipped to my local Home Depot.  So, you can imagine my surprise when it was at the store in under a week.  The box was well packaged, wrapped in plastic over cardboard and had a pallet thing under it for ease of loading with a forklift.  The friendly folks at home depot were kind enough to send a couple of guys to help me get it into the duck.  I strapped it down and was on my way.

In between excitement of finally getting the box I have wanted for awhile, parking my truck on a public street, worrying about the local riff raff trying to steal it and it being about zero degrees with snow on the way, not much sleep was to be had for me.  I think I must have checked on the box a couple dozen times before I went to sleep.

Morning comes and the box is still there, so off to work I go.  After working my shift I unloaded the new toolbox, with the help of my boss (something that would NEVER happen at my last job) and got to work setting it up.  There was a hole in the cardboard, and I thought for a moment that it would totally suck if I had to take this heavy thing back, but after unbolting the pallet and removing the coverings, no damage was found.

I am not going to bore you with the details of loading the box with my tools, but I will say the smart individual reads the instructions for assembly, is grateful the casters are preinstalled, and loads the box from the bottom drawers up, with the heaviest items in the bottom so the box is not likely to tip over.

I also learned that when you place items in a box that is the same size as the old one, and you go to place the tools in the new box in a neat manner, you find that the top box is looking like a good option, one I will be taking in the near future.

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